Brighten Your Smile with a Professional Dental Cleaning

You probably already know that good oral hygiene plays a big role in keeping your smile pearly. By regularly brushing and flossing, you clear away the substances that contribute to stains and discoloration.

Unfortunately, though, your at-home tools can only do so much. Certain things can stick to your teeth that require professional dental attention. 

That’s where we come in. Thomas D. Sokoly, DDS, and our team offer comfortable, convenient teeth cleanings so we can help you maintain your best smile. When you visit us at Sokoly Dental in Washington, DC, we can remove tartar to boost the brightness of your smile. 

The tartar problem

Your toothbrush and floss are powerful tools for clearing away plaque, the bacteria that stick to your teeth and cause damage. If your teeth have ever felt fuzzy, you’ve felt plaque. Fortunately, a couple of minutes at your sink are enough to get rid of that issue.

The trouble, though, is that plaque can get trapped in the small grooves of your teeth and the tight spaces between them. When your toothbrush and floss don’t reach the plaque, it has the opportunity to harden into tartar. 

And while plaque is colorless, tartar often looks off-white or even yellow in its early stages. As it’s left on your teeth, it can darken — eventually even turning black.  

In other words, tartar is a big obstacle in maintaining your brightest smile. The issue grows because plaque hardens into tartar. That means your at-home dental tools aren’t enough to remove it.  

What professional teeth cleaning does that you can’t

Fortunately, with our expertise and specialized dental tools, Dr. Sokoly and our team can remove tartar from your teeth during a professional cleaning. We can even remove tartar from underneath your gum line where it’s most likely to darken. 

If you have tartar on your teeth that makes them look less white, a professional teeth cleaning gives you an excellent way to brighten your smile. At the same time, we can check for other issues that would further diminish your pearly whites, like tooth decay. 

With a twice-yearly appointment at our office, we help keep your smile bright while defending against oral health problems.

Taking teeth whitening a step further

A cleaning with our team removes tartar, boosting the brightness of your smile. But if you have set-in stains, you might need more involved treatment to get your teeth white.

That’s why Dr. Sokoly offers teeth whitening. With in-office or at-home whitening, you get access to powerful whitening agents that work better than what you can buy at the store.In other words, you have options to move toward your teeth whiteness goals. 

To discuss getting a brighter smile with our team, call our Washington, DC, office or book your appointment online today.

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