How Can an Oral Appliance Stop My Snoring?

The rest we get each night plays a big role in how we feel during the day. Poor sleep is connected to daytime fatigue, of course, but it also has more serious health implications. Chronic bad sleep has been linked to heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and even cancer.
If you snore, you might sleep soundly. But if you’re waking up tired, have morning headaches, or feel like you don’t sleep through the night, your snoring could be a symptom of a nighttime problem.
And if you share your bed, the snoring problem isn’t confined to you. The noise you make at night can — and very likely does — interfere with your partners’ sleep quality.
Whether you’re concerned about snoring for yourself or your loved one, Thomas D. Sokoly, DDS, and our Sokoly Dental team can help. Here at our office in Washington, DC, we offer snoring therapy. With a specialized device that you wear at night, we can help you put a stop to your snoring.
How oral appliances treat snoring and sleep apnea
At Sokoly Dental, Dr. Sokoly addresses snoring and sleep apnea with a specialized mouthguard. We custom fit this oral appliance to your mouth so that it’s as comfortable as possible.
The mouthguard fits around your teeth securely enough to apply a gentle forward pressure to your lower jaw. This opens up more space in your throat, alleviating obstructions from soft tissues. As a result, it allows you to breathe throughout the night without snoring, even as your throat relaxes with sleep.
When it’s time to tackle your snoring
Talk with our team if you’re waking up tired and don’t feel you’re getting good rest, or if your bed partner says your snoring interferes with their sleep.
In either case, we can help both of you get a better night’s sleep. If you sleep well but snore enough to bother your partner, your customized mouthguard can help bring peace to your bedroom.
The more pressing issue arises if you’re getting bad sleep yourself. If you wake up fatigued — especially if you notice that you wake up periodically throughout the night — you might be dealing with sleep apnea. Snoring is a symptom of this condition.
With sleep apnea, your breathing stops and starts through the night. In the case of obstructive sleep apnea (the most common type of this disorder), your throat muscles relax and block airflow into your lungs. That means you don’t get enough oxygen, which can have serious health repercussions.
Fortunately, an oral appliance can correct this issue, helping you get restful sleep and protecting your overall wellbeing.
If you’re ready to stop snoring, we can help. To get started with your custom-fitted mouthguard, call our Washington, DC, office or book your appointment online today.
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