New Year’s Resolution: Follow These 5 Tips to Improve Your Oral Health This Year

The vast majority of people who make New Year’s resolutions focus on their health. Per the Pew Research Center, 79% of adults surveyed last January who made at least one resolution said their goals focused on health, exercise, or diet.
The trouble with New Year’s resolutions, though, is that they’re often hard to keep. So this year, we want to propose one health goal that’s definitely manageable. If you want to make a resolution you can actually stick with, resolve to improve your oral health in 2025.
For support there, Thomas D. Sokoly, DDS, and our Sokoly Dental team rounded up some suggestions. Between these tips — including regular dental exams and cleanings at our office in Washington, DC — you should have no trouble keeping your resolution.
Here are five ways to boost your oral health this year:
#1: Brush daily
You already know that brushing your teeth is a key part of maintaining your oral wellness, so this is a great place to start. Brush twice a day.
To get the most out of this daily habit, Dr. Sokoly and our team recommend:
- Using a fluoridated toothpaste
- Brushing gently rather than scrubbing your teeth
- Brushing all sides of each tooth
- Angling your toothbrush toward your tooth to clean your gum line
When you brush, don’t stop with your teeth. Brush your tongue, too. This helps your oral health and freshens your breath.
#2: Floss daily
Your toothbrush can clean the outer surfaces of your teeth, but it can’t reach between them. That’s why it’s important to floss daily.
When you floss, be sure to move the floss up and down each side of each tooth.
If you struggle to keep up with this habit, try keeping your floss in the shower. Tackling this hygiene habit while you’re already in the mindset of getting yourself clean can help.
#3: Make smart food and drink choices
Sugar feeds plaque, the bacteria that damage your teeth and cause cavities. As a result, excessive sugar intake gets in the way of your oral health.
To protect your teeth and overall wellness, choose healthy foods and drinks with minimal added sugar. And if you indulge in something really sugary, try to brush your teeth shortly afterward.
#4: Keep up with your visits to the dentist
Your brushing and flossing habits can help your mouth stay healthy. But you can still develop plaque on your teeth, which can harden into tartar on your teeth. Once it does, you can’t remove it on your own at home.
When you visit Dr. Sokoly twice a year for your teeth cleaning, he and our team get rid of any tartar that’s accumulated. We also check for any dental health issues, which are easiest to treat when we catch them early.
If we spot the beginning stages of tooth decay, for example, we can correct it with a filling. If it progresses, though, you may eventually need a root canal.
#5: Avoid tobacco
If you’ve been looking for an extra reason to make 2025 the year you finally kick that tobacco habit, here it is. Tobacco is one of the worst things you can do for your oral health. Fortunately, the reverse is also true. Stopping usage is one of the best ways to boost your wellness in this category.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a variety of free tools that can help you quit this year.
You don’t have to work toward your resolution of better oral health on your own. For support with your goal throughout the year, call our Washington, DC, office or book your appointment online today.
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